Sor Antonia, 73 years young, is the embodiment of a good laugh. If she is not talking she is laughing, hiking or sleeping.
This is a woman who laughs at herself when she trips and laughs when others trip. At the dinner table, or when turning the corner, she will try to catch your eye to drag a giggle out of you.
She gives away her scarves and fans the second someone is cold or hot. Sor Antonia sings her heart out in the chapel as if she is starring at Dios right in the face and sending him praise. This woman absolutely lights up when she sees anything that has do to with nature.
In her size five shoes she sets out on our hike along side a river in the sierras of Andalucia. Her tiny legs move so fast to try and maintain with a pace that matches my slow stroll. Through the brush Margaret, some older women, and I follow her lead to leave the walking path and dive amidst the brush to get a closer look at the river. This hike is made comfortable as she trailblazes, with her walking stick, all that crosses our path.
Antonia will keep going and going, and talking and talking … but when she stops, she is out. Sitting down on the sofa, with her pastry in hand, she powers down and is out like a light.
Here are some pictures of the sierras.

Margaret Marie

Kiddies playing in the river with daddy

When these goats passed us Margaret said they smelled like milk. They had the biggest utters in the world wish I had a picture to show you.

Sor Antonia with her frogs in hand.