24 September 2011

Around Geneva

Aside from it's snow capped mountains, open country sides, to-the-minute bus lines, lake, parks and small towns that surround it; Geneva leaves one with a refreshed feeling for another reason. A high contrast can be found when arriving in Geneva from Spain. The most apparent difference between Geneva and the average Spanish city is the high quantity of nationalities packed into one small city. The different languages, food, and mannerisms allow one the simple luxury to be different, not fit in a set mold. Naturally, a city that houses the United Nations is going cultivate this type of environment. Above all this is what I first found most interesting and quite refreshing. With all the diversity the city seems very oddly American; like the European version of California.

02 September 2011

La Acogida

I continue to be blown away by generous loving people in this world. This past month my sister and I were traveling in southern Spain for 17 days. I say traveling, but it was more like an interim period before we attended World Youth Day. For this reason, we did not plan our weeks very precisely; rather we trusted our days and stays would work out in one form or another.

As it turns out, words can not express how well things fell into place for us every step of the way. We owe it all to the kind people who opened their homes, fed us well, and were excellent loving company. As a result we ever so smoothly passed our last days in Spain. My lasting thought is that I have the opportunity hope to return these acts of pure selfless giving with the same enthusiasm as was done unto us.

The various welcoming souls we found on our journey:

Isabel and Sr Antonia
Mila and Jiame

Maggie with Juan and Ana (Pedro, father of the family, not pictured)
!Gracias todo!