08 November 2011
21 October 2011
O democracy, our fickle friend
03 October 2011
24 September 2011
Around Geneva
02 September 2011
La Acogida
19 July 2011
Since diving into the Spanish language not only I have learned a lot about Spanish, but also volumes about humility. It is something easily learned from the persistent snickering of kids that comes with one’s mispronunciation. Or it can be found in the assignment to "act" as a group leader, but not actually be permitted to do anything because the other group leader thinks one does not understand. Expressions on people’s faces when one tries to explain something, the parenting of something that one understands completely, and the general sentiment that you are destined to be a follower in life – also all humbling. Over the past five months I spent many moments feeling like an immigrant from a third-world country; and not feeling like useful volunteer.
For all this humbling, I AM grateful. I am grateful to feel a little more, and grateful to feel for others a little more. Never again will I look at someone and assume that they should understand the words I am speaking simply because they are in an English speaking country. Neither will I falter when it comes to helping someone understand protocols and norms. I will have a special eye out to make people feel comfortable to speak their mind. Above all I will search for those who NEED a smile to remind them that we are in the game of life together.
Sunflowers that fill the countryside of Spain during the summertime.
03 July 2011
Went for a Walk; Calle Magdelena, Sevilla
On my Sunday morning paseo last weekend I was doing my normal wandering through the streets of Sevilla when I heard the very typical Andalucian band music This music can be heard all year long throughout Sevilla. (I say typical but actually it is quite striking, strong and beautifully specific to processions in the area.) As the music got stronger I turned the corner to find a “paso” taking place for Corpus Christi.
Of course, with a paso also comes a cloud of incense and the well-dressed Spanish families to view the procession. Pasos go out all during the springtime for different celebrations; and apparently go out during summer as well. Having seen and been a part of numerous of these processions, to this day I remain enamored by the music, smells and people that makeup a paso.
When viewing it is a highly interactive experience. I feel like I am stepping into a dream sequence as the music starts expelling vibrations of pride and tradition. Then when one gets a whiff of the incense and Spanish commentary, no more can be done than to enter this surreal world.
02 July 2011
Surprise - I'm Catholic
The other day I went to mass at the school where I taught English this past spring. The mass celebrated the last day of school before the kid’s summer vacation. What I find interesting is the look on one of the student’s faces when I went up to receive communion. The girl looked at me, pointed, and said “you too!?” . Later that day, in class, she came up to me to ask if I was Catholic. She seemed pleasantly surprised to find out that I am Catholic.
This makes me smile for two reasons. The first reason, is that she assumed since I speak English that I am not Catholic. Which is such an innocent, yet scary assumption. Her assumption is insight to how people start to form think of other unfamiliar people and cultures.
12 June 2011
Little wild woman
Sor Antonia, 73 years young, is the embodiment of a good laugh. If she is not talking she is laughing, hiking or sleeping.
Here are some pictures of the sierras.
28 May 2011
Maria Luisa Park, Bikes
Maria Luisa Park, The way of life marches on
28 April 2011
The Art of a Line Dry
The roof must be my favorite place in the house. From the roof of Sor Eusebia one can enjoy a view of the city on one side and a view of the countryside on the other side. Sun, wind and the sky are also in abundant supply up on the roof. But the best thing about this roof is the laundry. As opposed to dreading the task of doing laundry, hanging laundry up on the roof gives one a chance to gain perspective.