On my Sunday morning paseo last weekend I was doing my normal wandering through the streets of Sevilla when I heard the very typical Andalucian band music This music can be heard all year long throughout Sevilla. (I say typical but actually it is quite striking, strong and beautifully specific to processions in the area.) As the music got stronger I turned the corner to find a “paso” taking place for Corpus Christi.
Of course, with a paso also comes a cloud of incense and the well-dressed Spanish families to view the procession. Pasos go out all during the springtime for different celebrations; and apparently go out during summer as well. Having seen and been a part of numerous of these processions, to this day I remain enamored by the music, smells and people that makeup a paso.
When viewing it is a highly interactive experience. I feel like I am stepping into a dream sequence as the music starts expelling vibrations of pride and tradition. Then when one gets a whiff of the incense and Spanish commentary, no more can be done than to enter this surreal world.
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