Temperatures in Sevilla are uncharacteristically cold this winter season compared to weather the town typically experiences. Yesterday the temperature averaged 3° C. Despite this drop in temperature, the vibrancy of the Sevillanos shines through. People in this town live with great openness and warmth of heart. As a newcomer to the town I felt that I was wrapped in a blanket of “Bienvendios!”. The Sevillanos live for each other.
Sevillanos greet and talk with strangers as if they were old friends. Take for example interactions around the bus. Without even looking to see who the other person is, elder women start conversations with anyone who sit next to them at the bus stops. When on the bus, a young boy can ask an elder lady for a tissue; and she obliges as if she was the boys mother. Walking down the street an elder may have a question with directions. Simply by approaching a younger person and saying “Joven!” (young) they find help. In fact, all passer-bys jump at the chance to chime in when one asks for directions. On a walk around the barrio with Sor Angustia, every other casa gives kisses to the hermana and I.
In a city known for its sizzling summers, the Sevillanos are group of people who stay warm in body and heart year round. Like rays of the sun, a positive frequency vibrates through the barrios. This a frequency that instills confidence and a love for socializing in inhabitants of Sevilla. If the climate of a city has any affect on a community’s attitude, this group is living proof that warm weather does a city good.
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